
Jon Li Jon Li



Reserve Us Now
Work out the details later!

  • Not sure if you want Solo Piano or Dueling Pianos?

  • Still trying to work out your timeline?

  • Weighing In-Person Vs. Virtual?

No problem! You can still reserve us now and work out the final details as you get closer to your event.


Concerned about COVID?  We are too.

This is why we're offering to all our clients the ability to reschedule their date as needed, no questions asked, no cancellation fees.  Because our team is comprised of dozens of incredible performers across the country (rather than just one player), we have the flexibility to provide back-ups in case something goes wrong on our end (so you can be GUARANTEED that we won't bail on you AND we will ensure our players are safe to perform).  This also means that if you need to reschedule, we can be flexible with what you need.  All previous amounts paid will be transferred to the new date.  We get that this is a ROUGH time to be planning an event and we want to work with you to help make it not so rough.

(Not So) Fine Print

  • 20% Discount Applies to all Live Music Packages  - In-Person OR Virtual (but not to DJ-Only Packages)

  • Discount can be redeemed with a non-refundable deposit to secure your date. (Minimum $500 deposit)

  • Offer valid through Friday, December 4th 2020 (12/4/20)

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Jon Li Jon Li

Virtual Singing Telegram for Birthdays, Anniversaries & More!

We know this season of quarantine is affecting everyone differently and we want to do what we can to bring a little extra joy to people right now.

It turns out that the calendar is still chugging along and with it, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions will still pass. Do you know someone with a special occasion coming up and would you like to do something special for them?

Order a Virtual Singing Telegram!

Send us the details (Form Below) and we can either schedule the delivery of a prerecorded video OR a private live video call. You can pick a song or have us pick one. You can make it funny, sentimental, raunchy, or heartfelt - whatever you’d like.

Don’t let the people who matter most to you feel forgotten during this season!

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Jon Li Jon Li

Sweet Ideas for Dads on Your Wedding Day

We've had the chance to work with some incredibly sweet couples and every now and then, their beautiful children. Whether it’s a 2nd marriage where one or both individuals has kids or a couple who has been together for years, built a family side-by-side and has decided that now is the best timing for them to move forward into marriage, we admire each family. We believe family is what you make of it and that love comes together in all sorts of ways and unique timing. We love seeing the fun things that parents do to include their kids in this beautiful day to celebrate love and we thought this would be a fun thing to share on Father's Day. Whether a father by birth or by choice - however your family is formed, we believe it's a beautiful thing and want to affirm however you want to express that love.

Just a couple ideas (but feel free to make your own!) for ways to include your kids on your wedding day:

  1. Vows: In addition to vows to each other, you could consider prepared statements to extend to your children to share your love for them and how you hope to create this new life together.

  2. Dances: We love the sentimental moments of first dances! You could always have a special dance to include a child as well. If you're struggling to find the perfect song, we also offer composition services. We’d love to write the perfect song for you!

  3. Cake: Cake cutting (or cupckate!) or surprise them with their favorite dessert. It could be fun to include them in this portion of the evening.

  4. Welcome: If your child is old enough to feel comfortable doing this, you could ask them to welcome everyone to the reception.

  5. Bouquet (Toss?): Rather than a traditional bouquet toss, you could hand (or gently toss) the bouquet to your daughter. She may choose to preserve the flowers or hold onto the ribbon and it may be something she treasures for years.

Whatever you chose to do, we hope that your wedding can be a beautiful celebration of love - in all its many forms!

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