6 ways to maximize your wedding fair experience

We're super excited for our 2nd showing at the Forever Bride Market this Sunday, November 6th followed one week later by Unveiled Minneapolis on the 13th!   Here are a few of our top tips to maximize your wedding fair / bridal show experience!

  1. Print off labels ahead of time with contact info so you don't have to write it out dozens of times for drawings
  2. Bring a binder to keep things organized with 3 folders to organize fliers and materials you receive
    1.  Faves
    2. Maybes
    3. Not nows
  3. Come as prepared as possible - have a conversation ahead of time with all the key players and get a sense from them what elements are most important to them and have a general sense of the budget range you're thinking of.
  4. Take a peek ahead of time at the list of vendors who will be there and make a list of the ones you're most excited to talk to
  5. Look ahead at parking options and get your bearings so you won't get lost once you get there - although there should also be plenty of signs to direct you.
  6. Have some songs in mind to request at Rock It Man Entertainment's Booth - we'll be taking requests all day!  (Sorry - shameless plug :)


Have fun and be sure to stop by and see us for live entertainment all day!



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Upcoming Public Shows